Recognising Impact of H4MoD: CMP UK & Glasgow University receive AMBA Commendation

We're pleased to share some encouraging news: our partnership with Glasgow University has been recognised with a commendation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA). This acknowledgement is a significant nod to our efforts in integrating practical skills and innovation into student learning.

The commendation from AMBA goes beyond mere recognition. It affirms our approach of aligning academic learning with the practical needs of industry and government. Our aim has been to ensure our graduates are not only academically proficient but also ready to excel in their professional lives. This alignment is essential in today’s environment where bridging the gap between education and employment is key to creating effective career paths for students.

As we reflect on this achievement, we owe a great deal of gratitude to Glasgow University for their exceptional partnership. This commendation highlights the importance of strategic collaborations with universities in influencing the future of education and the workforce.

This partnership's success also reflects the commitment and expertise of several individuals. We extend our thanks to Katie Lombardo, Dr. Xian Li, and Professor Denis Fischbacher-Smith. Their contributions have been pivotal in driving this partnership towards its goals.

In summary, the AMBA commendation is a testament to our shared vision and collaborative efforts. It underscores the potential of academic-industry collaborations in fostering innovation and practical problem-solving. Looking ahead, we remain dedicated to our mission of nurturing such partnerships, driving innovation, and preparing students to be proactive participants and leaders in their future fields.

At Common Mission Project UK, we view this commendation as both an acknowledgment of our past efforts and an inspiration for future endeavours. We are excited to continue our journey with Glasgow University and other partners, shaping an educational landscape that is dynamic, relevant, and impactful.


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